Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Badfoot's Road Trip: Dang!

Jon recently went on a road trip up north to Vancouver. His mission was to film a music video for one of his songs, while stopping at the major cities on the way. Here are some shots of his journey.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Go Pro Camera Coming at Ya! Out West.

My brother, is a friend of ours and the name he goes by is Big Wave Dave. He recently purchased a gopro camera and has been messing around with it ever since. Here's a cool eye melting video with his music playing in the background. If you cant tell his journey starts off Out West at our apartment in Huntington Beach and then bikes his two legs north of the pier and back. He's going light speed, which is just insane to do as a human being.
